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General Class Information

Teacher/Athrawes - Mrs S Williams


Teaching Assistant/Cynorthwywyr Addysgu - Miss H Nicholas  Miss P Santos



Time Keeping

Doors are opened at 08:50am and locked again at 09:00am.

Any pupil arriving after 9:00am will need to enter through the main entrance and sign their child in at the office.

The school day finishes at 3.10pm please line up against the wall of the classroom to ensure we can dismiss the children to the correct adult safely.


Class Dojo

We use Class Dojo as a means of sending homework, messages, photographs of the children and for generally communicating with you.

In the Autumn Term photos will be posted to show you activities we have been doing and to help you to see that your children are settling into school.

As the year progresses, if there are special events at the school you will be notified through the dojo and photos of these events will be shared with you.

Messages on the dojo will only be responded to during the time of 9am- 5pm Monday to Friday.

Please ensure you have downloaded the app to your phone and signed up using your child’s new class login details (sent out during the first week). 

Homework will be sent via Class Dojo every Friday (more information about this below)




All pupils are expected to wear school uniform. 

Uniform is as follows:

  • White polo shirt/blouse/shirt
  • Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/joggers
  • Royal blue cardigan/jumper/hoody (does not require the school logo)
  • All black shoes

On our P.E. days, pupils are permitted to wear their P.E. kit to school



Please ensure your child wears the appropriate kit to school on a Monday

Pupils must wear: 

  • Plain black/grey tracksuit bottoms/shorts, 
  • plain white t-shirt/ polo shirt 
  • A school-coloured (royal blue) sweatshirt/hoody/cardigan, 
  • Suitable footwear e.g Trainers



Reading books and letter sounds and words(once your child is confident with initial sounds) will be sent home with your child, please bring them into school daily. Every time you read with your child and practise sounds and words please record it in their yellow home/school reading record.

Practising sounds and words for a few minutes with your child every day has a huge impact on their reading skills, much more so than trying to do lots once a week.

Please return books to school daily.

If a child does not return their reading book to school, they will not be able to have another reading book sent home, until it is returned or paid for.



Homework will be sent every Friday, usually through the portfolio section of the Class Dojo. 

We ask, where possible, for all homework to be completed by a Monday. 

Please work with your child to help them complete their homework, but we kindly ask that pupils draw/mark make/write their answers/responses themselves.


Clothing & Personal Belongings

Please ensure that all items of clothing, packed lunch bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Pupils should avoid bringing any unnecessary items into school. Due to the restricted size of our cloakroom, we do not allow pupils to bring in bags/rucksacks etc, only their reading bag, water bottle and packed lunch bag/box (if not having a school lunch).


Packed Lunches

As a school, we continuously encourage and promote healthy packed lunches.

For more information regarding healthy packed lunches, please click on the link below.


Snack Time

Pupils are only permitted to eat fruit at snack time. We do offer a fuit tuck shop this is charged at 30p a day or you can send in £1.50 for the whole week. The children then get to choose from a variety of fruits for their snack.



Pupils are only permitted to drink water throughout the school day. 

Please therefore ensure that if you are providing your child with a drink for use during the day (this does not include drinks with packed lunches).

Pupils can refill their water bottle from the classroom taps which are safe for drinking purposes.
