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General Class Information



Teacher/Athrawes - Miss J Watkins

Teaching Assistant/Cynorthwywyr Addysgu - Mrs Harries


Time Keeping

Doors are opened at 08:50am and locked again at 09:00am.

Any pupil arriving after 9:00am will need to enter through the main entrance and inform Mrs Curnow of their attendance.


Class Dojo

We will continue to use Class Dojo as a means of communicating with you.

Please ensure you have downloaded the app to your phone.

You are also able to contact me via Dojo messenger for any queries you may have.



All pupils are expected to wear school uniform. 

Uniform is as follows:

White polo shirt/blouse/shirt

Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers

Royal blue cardigan/jumper/hoody (does not require the school logo)

Black shoes

On designated P.E.days, pupils are permitted to wear their P.E. kit to school. 

Our PE day is a Wednesday.

PE kit consists of:

White t shirt or polo shirt

Black shorts or jogging bottoms


Following WG Guidance re: COVID-19, we ask that pupils wear clean uniform every day. We advise parents/carers to wash clothes daily as soon as children return from school.



As a school, we use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme. 

Reading books will be sent home and changed weekly. Please ensure reading books are sent in to school everyday so that we can read with the children throughout the week. Try to talk to your child about the book they are reading, and ask questions about the characters, the setting (where the story takes place) and the plot (what happens in the story), as well as asking them to make predictions about what they think might happen. Pupils' understanding of the text is as important as their ability to read it, and we will continually focus on these skills throughout the Year.

Every time you listen to your child read, please ensure you record the date, page number and a comment in the yellow reading record book.  Any lost books must be paid for.



Homework will be set every Friday. 

We ask, where possible, for all homework to be completed by Monday. 

Please work with your child to help them complete their homework, but we kindly ask that pupils write their answers/responses themselves.

It is also important that pupils understand what they have written in their homework. So, if for example, they are asked to find information about something, they shouldn't simply copy information from the internet, but instead try to put it into their own words.

Spellings and keywords will be sent home daily.  Please try to practise as much as is possible - 5 minutes a night is better than 15 minutes  one night a week.  Children will be tested on spellings every Friday.


Clothing & Personal Belongings

Please ensure that all items of clothing, as well as drawstring bags, packed lunch bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.

Pupils should avoid bringing any unnecessary items into school.

 We do not allow pupils to bring in rucksacks, only drawstring bags, their reading bag, water bottle and packed lunch bag/box (if not having a school lunch).


Packed Lunches

As a school, we continuously encourage and promote healthy packed lunches.

For more information regarding healthy packed lunches, please click on the link below.


Playtime Snacks

Pupils are only permitted to eat fruit at playtimes.



Pupils are only permitted to drink water throughout the school day. 

Please therefore ensure that if you are providing your child with a drink for use during the day, bottles are only filled with plain water (this does not include drinks with packed lunches).

At present, water fountains remain out of use. However, pupils can refill their water bottle from the classroom taps which are safe for drinking purposes.

