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To Infinity and Beyond - Summer Term 2022

This summer term, our topic is all about space! We will be finding all about the planets in our solar system, including our moon and the ever so famous first moon landing! We will find out about the different planets in detail as well as learning about day and night on Earth, and what 'a year' means. 





In literacy we will be reading many space themed stories including 'Bob, Man on the Moon', 'Beegu' and 'Aliens Love Underpants'.




We are hoping to visit the planetarium in 'We the Curious' this summer.




To end the topic, we will be taking inspiration from Scientist's ambitions to create a 'Base' on the moon, allowing astronauts to remain on the moon for a period of time. We will be designing and building our own 'base' on a planet of our choice. Parents will be invited to see our creations!

