Teacher/Athrawes - Mrs J. Evans
Teaching Assistants/Cynorthwywyr Addysgu - Mrs M Evans/Miss E Thomas/Mrs Z Birch
P.E - Our P.E. day will be a Tuesday
Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit on when they come into school on a Tuesday. Pupils need to wear grey or black jogging bottoms, trainers, a plain white t-shirt and a school jumper.
Spare clothing
If you think your child may have an 'accident' in school you may send a spare set of clothes into school which can be kept in their school tray until needed.
Please try to go through your child's sounds and words daily. Your child will come home with a reading pack with a letter explaining what you should do. This pack is to stay at home.
Remember, 5 minutes each evening is better than 15 minutes once a week!
At the moment books will not be sent home
Homework - Homework will be available online
Please ensure that everything belonging to your child is clearly labelled with their name.
Personal Belongings
At the moment we ask that your child only brings into school their lunchbox, snack and a drink.