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General Class Information


Teacher/Athrawes - Mrs S. Williams

Teaching Assistants/Cynorthwywyr Addysgu - Miss C Davies/Mrs S Soukias/Mrs S Thomas/Miss S Powell/Miss G Oxenham


P.E - Our P.E. day is a Friday

Nursery children can wear their PE kit to school on this day only.

Children must wear grey joggers, white t shirt/polo shirt, blue jumper/hoody/cardigan and trainers.

Please ensure your child's name is clearly labelled on ALL individual pieces of clothing.


Reading - Reading books need to be brought into school daily

Please try to listen to your child read as often as possible.

Remember, 5 minutes each evening is better than 15 minutes once a week! 

When you listen to your child read, please write in the yellow reading record book.

Encourage your child to hold the book and turn the pages.

Try to talk to your child about the book they have, and ask questions about the characters, the setting (where the story takes place) and the plot (what happens in the story), as well as asking them to make predictions about what they think might happen. 

Please practice your child's Jolly Phonics initial sounds daily.


Homework - Homework is given out every Friday and we ask where possible, that it is returned on a Monday


Clothing & Personal Belongings

Please ensure that everything belonging to your child is clearly labelled with their name.


School Meals

Please take a look at our new school lunch menu below


The daily price of a school meal is £2.30


Packed Lunches

Please make sure your child's name is on their packed lunch box/bag.

As a school, we are trying to promote healthy packed lunches. 

