Spring Term 2022
Our Topic this term is Globetrotters
The Big Picture
During this topic, the children will be finding out about various countries around the World and the Global issues that affect them. Demonstrating an understanding of how humans affect the planet and what we can do in order to have a positive impact on the World, thus protecting our planet for future generations.
In this humanities-based topic, learners will become ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world by demonstrating an understanding of how humans affect the planet and what we can do in order to have a positive impact on the World, thus protecting our planet for future generations. Pupils will investigate sustainable practices around the World, identifying and comparing how different countries tackle World problems e.g. climate change and Global warming, tourism, farming and industry, and transport, linked to our carbon footprint. Pupils will also learn about cultural diversity within Wales and the wider world in order to gain a sense of community and understand and accept similarities and differences within cultures. This will also allow pupils to become healthy and confident individuals as they begin to make relevant decisions that have an impact on them and the world around them and discover their heritage through their exploration of the locality. Through these experiences, pupils will become ambitious, capable learners by demonstrating independence and resilience. They will be given opportunities to ask questions and solve problems related to the topic, using research to help them formulate their own views and opinions on World problems. Thus becoming enterprising and creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.
The end product for this topic will be a virtual Tour around the World using the media of their choice e.g. a short film, vlogs, blogs, etc. This will allow children to use various digital technologies creatively to communicate, find and analyze information.