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This Summer term, our topic is called 'A Pirate's Life for Me!’ 


A Pirate's Life for Me? Ooo arrr Let's learn all about Pirates. This topic will be launched with a full Pirate day: dress like a pirate,  talk like a pirate, walk the plank and other pirate themed activities both indoor and outdoor . 

Over the term through play, we will explore, discover and ask simple questions to learn more about pirates. The children will learn about the life of a pirate, sea life and the effects of rubbish in our seas in Wales and the wider world.

Questions such as - What does a Pirate look like? Where do pirates live? What do pirates do? What does a pirate eat for dinner? will be asked to prompt investigation.

Children will learn how to write storyboards, describe and label pictures, write postcards, design and make their own pirate flags and underpants for the pirates.


Our books this term will be 10 Little Pirates    Clean Up   Molly and the Whale     Pirates Love Underpants





The final focus of the our topic will be when the Pirates write to us to say they are shipwrecked on a desert island and need our help to build them a raft/boat to allow them to go and find the treasure and to write a message of help and send it in a bottle reminding the children to say who they are, where they are, and what the problem is. 
