During this topic the children will work in groups to set up a themed cafe business and design, make and market a range of dishes.
They will interpret data and use digital technologies creatively to communicate, find and analyse information. In addition, they will undertake research and evaluate what they find. They will be given opportunities to ask questions and solve problems related to the topic, using research to help them formulate their own views and opinions. They will be working collaboratively by creating a business name and logo.
Groups will be given the opportunity to think about where their food comes from and the importance of eating seasonal produce. In addition to this, children will also learn to identify the main parts of the circulatory system and their function. This is then linked to the lifestyle factors that can affect heart health.
In the later stages of the topic children will be challenged to make their menu ideas fit within a budget and to demonstrate an understanding of profit and loss.
The end product will involve parents coming to the school to visit the cafe.