Autumn Term 2022
Back To The Future
The Big Picture
During this topic - ‘Yn ol y’r Dyfodol’, the children will be finding out about various historical events and focusing on how families have been affected by them.
In this humanities based topic, learners will become ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. They will be finding, evaluating and using evidence to form their own views about the events that have happened, as well as understanding the impact that our actions have on others. They will also become knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past. They will become ambitious and capable learners by interpreting data, and using digital technologies creatively to communicate, find and analyse information. In addition they will undertake research and evaluate what they find. Through these experiences pupils will become ambitious, capable learners by demonstrating independence and resilience. They will be given opportunities to ask questions and solve problems related to the topic, using research to help them formulate their own views and opinions on key events that have occurred in the past ,thus becoming enterprising and creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.
The end product for this topic will involve the pupils making a close study of the 1920s, 1940`s, 1960s and modern day, making comparisons in relation to changes in technology, family life in Wales, and the role of women in society. Pupils will then use their understanding of how society and technology has changed to make predictions about the future. Comparisons will be made between Wales and the wider world. Pupils will plan and participate in an Oscars award ceremony, showing their own silent movies and they will also create A night at The Museum where they will present what they have learned and created during the topic. They will also have the opportunity to create a time capsule which reflects life in Wales today.